The Yamdena people live in coastal areas with a population of approximately 35,000 people spread over nearly 35 villages. The villages are: Olilit, Sifnana, Lauran, Kabyarat, Bomaki, Ilngei, Wowonda, Tumbur, Lorulun, Atubul, Amdasa, Sangliat, Arui, Lorwembun, Alusi, Meyanu, Kilmasa, Lumasebu, Weturu, Tutukembong, Manglusi, Arma, Watmuri. Apart from these villages, some Yamdena speakers also live in three bilingual villages: Adaud, Latdalam and Lermatan.

The Yamdena language has two accents, namely northern and southern dialects or better known as upper and lower accents.

To reach Yamdena we can use a plane (approximately 1.5 hours) or ship (approximately 2 nights) from Ambon.

Saumlaki is the capital of the West Southeast Maluku district. From there we can visit Yamdena-speaking villages by sea or land transportation.

Most of the Yamdena people live as farmers and fishermen. Others are civil servants.

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